Nutra-Phyto Incubation Centre &
Common Instrumentation Facility
( A project initiated by CSIR-CFTRI,Mysore & KBITS,Govt. of Karnataka)

Nutra-Phyto Incubation Centre & Common Instrumentation Facility (NPIC-CIF) for nurturing and promoting startups in the area of nutraceuticals and wellness foods has been operational at CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru since 2015. The project is initiated in collaboration with KITS, Department of Electronics, IT, BT and S&T, Govt. of Karnataka.
Scientist and entrepreneurs who are interested in incubating their venture at NPIC-CIF in the above indicated areas are invited to submit their application (Pre-Application Proforma) by mailing the application form to npic-cif@cftri.res.in. Details of Admission Procedure, Pre-Application Proforma, General Rules & Regulations are listed below.